Knights of the Silver Table Development Update – November 13th 2021

Hello everyone!

Kyle here, from Cenokga, with another development update on Knights of the Silver Table.

Some graphical changes are being made to knights of the Silver Table to give a more polished look and feel.

Also, Knights of the Silver Table is being changed from 4-player Co-op to single player.

I know this is a big change from how Knights of the Silver Table was marketed, but I’ve been sending Knights of the Silver Table to publishers along with another game and have been told from some publishers that they would rather not publisher a multiplayer game.

That is not to say that Knights of the Silver Table will get a multiplayer feature. It’s just that the current version will be single player.

I still plan on Knights of the Silver Table being multiplayer somehow, by either releasing a deluxe version, or adding it later on as an update.

This will be a start in frequent updates to the development of Knights of the Silver Table. Other projects are currently being worked on as well as Knights of the Silver Table. But. I will still be posting development of Knights of the Silver Table as development progresses.

Also, I want to give a big thank you, to the people who are constantly adding Knights of the Silver Table to their wishlist, even though it’s not released yet. But, when it is released, I hope you will enjoy it!

Remember what Mr. Miyamoto said about games being delayed:

“A delayed game is eventually good.”

That’s also why development of Knights of the Silver Table is taking longer than planned. It’s to make sure it is developed with quality.

Until the next update,

Be Strong and Courageous!


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